Beyonder er eneste batteriprodusent i Norge som utvikler egen teknologi. Batteriene er klimavennlige og energieffektive. De er kraftige og egner seg spesielt for tunge kjøretøy som går korte distanser. På to minutter kan de lades opp, opptil 100.000 ganger.
Beyonder is a technology company established in 2016.
We focus on researching and developing advanced battery cell technology for use in industries that require high power. Our main office is located in Stavanger, Norway, and we have a diverse workforce with employees from different countries and backgrounds.
In addition to creating innovative batteries, we take pride in our commitment to sustainability throughout the full value chain. We focus on sustainable materials in our cell design.
Our goal is to accelerate the use of electricity in industries by providing high power energy storage systems that are both modern and sustainable.